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Our research includes a strong focus on fundamental questions about the new physics underlying the Standard Models of particle physics, cosmology, and gravity; and the nature and applications of our basic frameworks (quantum field theory and string theory) for attacking these questions.   Our research also includes a major emphasis on the novel phenomena in condensed matter physics that emerge in systems with many degrees of freedom.

News Spotlight

SITP sign on 3rd floor of the Varian Physics Building

SITP is searching for postdoctoral fellows across the full range of theoretical physics. Particular areas of focus this year will include quantum field theory and string theory, cosmology and quantum gravity, particle physics and phenomenology and quantum information science.

SITP sign on 3rd floor of the Varian Physics Building

SITP invites applications for postdoctoral fellows in all areas of condensed matter theory, broadly construed. We seek exceptional theorists who will flourish in, and contribute to, the highly interactive and collaborative research environment at Stanford.

Stanford aerial shot/Andrew Brodhead

The Department of Physics at Stanford University seeks applicants for a junior or senior appointment at the rank of tenure-track Assistant Professor, tenured Associate Professor, or Full Professor.

Spilker Engineering & Applied Sciences Building

The Stanford-SLAC Quantum Initiative, Q-FARM, invites applications for the 2025 Bloch Fellowships in Quantum Science and Engineering.

Varian Physics Building/Khoi Huynh

The 2025 Van Bibber Fellowship is now open for applications. We seek early-career scientists of exceptional ability in the field of experimental physics who have a focus on exploring fundamental particles and interactions. The fellowship will provide support for research in the group of a faculty member of the Stanford Physics department.
Karl Schwarzschild first stumbled upon black holes in 1916, but for a long time they weren’t really a thing. “Black holes were discovered as a purely geometric object — in a sense, just empty space.

Upcoming Events

Friday, January 10, 2025. 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Varian 312
Speaker: Saarik Kalia

Ultralight dark matter candidates with masses below 1 eV are often considered to behave "classically". By this, one typically means that the dark…

Tuesday, January 14, 2025. 3:30pm
Hewlett Teaching Center
370 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305

The human embryo begins as a simple, two-dimensional sheet of cells, with each cell possessing the ability to give rise…

Tuesday, January 21, 2025. 3:30pm
Hewlett Teaching Center
370 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Speaker: Bob Birgeneau

Solid State Physics is a field which continuously renews itself through the…

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