SITP Seminars
Past Events
We discuss the relation between infinite distance andvanishing gap on the conformal manifold of unitary two-dimensionalconformal field theories (CFTs) with a normalizable conformallyinvariant…
Sectors with large internal charge in CFTs can be generally studied semiclassically, in an expansion in inverse powers of the charge. In this talk, I will review the basic…
We give further evidence that the matrix-tensor model studied in [arXiv:2308.03829] is dual to AdS_3 gravity including the sum over topologies.
I will describe the construction of specific entangled states of a pair of holographic CFTs and study their semiclassical bulk dual.
In recent years, the correspondence between boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) and AdS3 gravity with AdS2 end-of-the-world (EOW) branes has played an important role in advancing our…
I will talk about 2402.03425 where we formulate and take two strides towards proving a quantum version of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture.