Beyond The Standard Model
The Standard Model of particle physics is amazingly successful, yet it leaves many basic questions unanswered. From bizarre, unexplained parameters such as the cosmological constant, Higgs mass, or neutron electric dipole moment to the lack of explanation for observed phenomena such as dark matter and baryogenesis, there is strong evidence that the Standard Model must be extended. At SITP we have focused on finding solutions to these open problems to discover what these hints tell us about the underlying laws of physics.
Video Briefs
Dark matter self interactions can leave distinctive signatures on the properties of satellite…
I construct a landscape of vacua of string theory and study the resulting ensemble of N-axion…
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Dr. Racco's research during his SITP postdoctoral appointment has been awarded the Third Prize of the 2023 Buchalter Cosmology Prize.
If the electron’s charge wasn’t perfectly round, it could reveal the existence of hidden particles. A new measurement approaches…
Peter Graham is interested in discovering the fundamental laws of nature that lie beyond the known standard model. He received an A.B./A…
The hierarchy problem, the puzzlingly light mass of the Higgs, is one of the largest open questions in physics beyond the Standard Model…
Related Events
For several years, various experimental results on B meson decays show persistent discrepancies with respect to Standard Model expectations. Discrepancies are observed in branching ratios, angular distributions, and lepton flavor universality…
Cosmological measurements are playing a central role in our understanding of the physics related to dark sectors, in particular related to dark matter. Currently there are some noticeable tensions appearing in the data when it is interpreted…
What if supersymmetry were an internal symmetry, rather than a spacetime symmetry?
There has been heated debate in the astronomical community about whether some ancient galaxies observed by JWST are far too large to have formed in our standard cosmology. This seminar --- aimed at an audience with no prior astronomy or cosmology…
Thousands of person years have been invested in searches for New Physics (NP), the majority of them motivated by theoretical considerations. Yet, no evidence of beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics has been found. This suggests that model-…
The phenomenon of cosmological gravitational particle production (CGPP) occurs during and after inflation as light fields “feel” the cosmological expansion and their mode functions evolve non-adiabatically. CGPP is a compelling and minimal…
Any dark matter spikes surrounding black holes in our Galaxy are sites of significant dark matter annihilation, leading to a potentially detectable neutrino signal. In this paper we examine intermediate mass black holes associated with dark…
There is strong motivation to extend the observable frequency range of gravitational waves beyond the Hz - kHz regime already probed by LIGO and Virgo. In particular, exotic sources of higher-frequency gravitational waves can be searched for with…
A B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background is widely regarded as smoking gun evidence for gravitational waves produced during inflation. In this talk, I demonstrate that tensor perturbations from a cosmological phase…