Ph.D. Candidate: Shunyu Yao
Research Advisor: Douglas Stanford & Stephen H. Shenker
Date: 06/14/2024 Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: Varian 355
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Zoom Password: Email physicsstudentservices [at] (physicsstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu) for password.
Title: Lessons from Quantum Chaos and Quantum Gravity
Abstract: Chaotic behaviors happen in various different kinds of systems including quantum many-body systems and blackholes. There are two typical features of chaos, the butterfly effect and level statistics. In semiclassical limit, both features have universal behaviors. I will review a mode, scramblons, that is related to both features. By analysing scramblons carefully, we learnt interesting lessons on path integral. We will also discuss the relation between low dimensional gravity and periodic orbit theory in chaos. Remarks on generalizations and subtleties will be made.